Stolen 94 Elite SR

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Stolen 94 Elite SR

Post by lishperton »

I wanted to post something about my moped in case anyone happened to be browsing the net and finds a similar one pop up for sale. (doubtful but I can only hope.)

Anyway I was an owner of an 88 Elite E, came to this forum and realized it wasn't exactly modifiable and I ended up finding a great deal on a 94 Elite SR last year.

Turn the page to last Friday and while at work someone stole my SR. I work at MSU in East Lansing, MI. Sometime between 11am-3pm someone came by, noticed my moped by the bike rack of my work and decided they wanted one for themselves. Big problem as it was my main form of transportation. Oddly enough it was the only day for as long as I can remember that I didn't lock my helmet up under the seat.

Some details:
1994 Honda Elite SR
Black with Elite decals on each fender, white rims.
Red/Purple/Blue/White SR decals on the front panel.
Amsoil sticker above the speedo.
Slight (quarter size) white paint smudge above the Honda on the back of the seat.
~2500 miles
Overall I'd say the moped was in great condition.
Registered with the State of MI until 2012, reported stolen to police and local Honda dealer.
Keys still in my pocket :(

Sucks to work to get something and then someone decides to take it away. If anyone has any information or sees it pop up somewhere, I'd really appreciate any help. I assume it's probably being parted out, but I guess you never know. I'm now in the market for another Elite and I'll be getting insurance on this one. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Stolen 94 Elite SR

Post by Lunytune »

I weep for you. Never had a scooter stolen, but have had my truck raided and lost a compound bow and archery supplies. To lose something by theft is a very personal thing, almost as though they stole your soul. Sad thing is that they may well have taken it across state line and to state which doesn't require registration. May be impossible to trace. The Amsoil sticker and paint smudge are the only thing that sets it apart and that's easily fixed. Doubt that police get too excited about a scooter theft.
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Chalay Murphy
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Re: Stolen 94 Elite SR

Post by Chalay Murphy »

i had my ruckus stolen from my chick. she left it in hotel parking lot for 15min so she could shower and it was gone.
i reported it the following day. 2 weeks went by and then i got a call from the cops..... they recovered it..... it was hotwired so i had to replace the tranny and the busted gas cap..... SO dont give up hope dude.... i gotta tell ya though i live in hawaii so yah i cant imagine losing a moped on the mainland or in your case MICHIGAN..... its only a billion times larger than the big island which i live on...... I NEVER MEANT TO BURST your bubble, i jus thot it should be mentioned

6 months after recovering the ruckus my 2001 eliteS was stolen from right outside my house..... "coincidentally" it just happened to occur the very 1st night i stopped sleeping in the pollar (my pollar looks straight view out to where my bike was parked) so i reported it stolen to the cops and found out that it was reported stolen before i had purchased it so even if they were to recover it, i wouldnt get it returned to me even if it was found. SO THAT WAS closed :(

the elite getting stolen was ALL MY FAULT for being to lazy to walk it 15 feet over into my garage where it would of been safely hidden and locked, which was where my ruckus was parked that night........ as u can imagine it was a VERY LONG AND VERY DEPRESSING TIME FOR ME the worst feeling was when id ride my ruckus and id see an elite on the road

U KNOW i had to redeem myself because the regret was KILLING ME!!!!! so i got my bought a 1997 EliteS for 1400 (with real papers and a brand new safety) a little over a year since mine was stolen.
I SLEEP SO EASILY NOW that i got another one......BTW the parts installed on it when i bought it are in my signature...... elite that was stolen was red and all stock..... so i upgraded actually.... (definately not the way i wanted to upgrade)

Beleive me when i say that I LOCK THAT SUCKER UP EVERYWHERE and anywhere I GO!!!!
even if im just taking a leak in a public bathrooom im locking it everytime

TRUST ME EVERYONE, take the extra 20 seconds to lock it up
losing an elite makes u realize that it JUST AINT WORTH the extra 15 seconds u save by not locking it up not to mention the peace of mind you will have knowing its safe (although no lock is unbreakable)

I JUST HOPE MY STORY WILL MAKE A PERSON(S) GO OUT AND BUY A lock (get a thick lock not a bike lock), and hopefully my story will save another elite from getting STOLEN from its rightful owner
1997 Honda EliteS (PURPLE)
68cc Mallosi Aluminum MHR replica
9:1 Gearing
PhonGeer V8 Exhaust
Chalay Murphy
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Re: Stolen 94 Elite SR

Post by Chalay Murphy »

i would post the vin # if i was u...... that way a person can identify your bike if they found it or sumthing...... because the color and other customed parts can be easily swapped..... the vin # on the otherhand is alot more difficult to do...... and if the guy who stole it is a rookie, then theres a good chance he never removed it or switched vin #
im not sure if any private information can be obtained through your vin #

on the otherhand if the guy who stole it is reading your post then posting your vin# mite be a bad thing cuz then they will know to remove it or switch it with another vin #

dont listen to me......... im just offering a suggestion becuz i know what your feeling and i feel for ya
1997 Honda EliteS (PURPLE)
68cc Mallosi Aluminum MHR replica
9:1 Gearing
PhonGeer V8 Exhaust
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