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Re: protection

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:01 pm
by Fishman43
eliteguy50 wrote:
Lunytune wrote:max weight 150 plus rider,
Not on the new ones :( That is my favorite part of riding a spree, you can pull the nose off the ground at any speed and jump a curb or flee from a Range Rover...whatever you want to call it.
Fishman43 biggest worry is some dumb 20-something not watching where their driving.
We had a problem with some dumb twenty-something (21) not watching his drinking and beating someone to death...That helmet probably would help in that situation too.
We had a situation close to that last Halloween, only the guy lived through it (after a coma for 5 days) and the 20-something guy beating him was dressed as a carrot (no joke). It must have been one to many jokes about the size of his.. um... carrot.

Re: protection

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:38 pm
by mustangwagz
I live about an hour north east of Pittsburgh, PA. And i currently aint scootin just yet, but i've never really carried any type of personal protection while riding any of the other bikes i had. ALthough, this day and age, its gettin to be a good idea. WIth Heroin, Meth, and Crack becoming more popular in the towns and cities and small communitys around me, a handgun and permit would be ideal. I keep a loaded gun in almost every room at all times. Havin a little boy now also makes the idea of having guns a good idea. Having 2 Viscious Man eating dogs also helps. lol Something else that drives me crazy and wants to make me move further into tim-buck-too is the amount of colored ppl i been seeing around these parts lately. I'm Racist as all heck...Yes i was raised the way.. NOW yes i understand, most older colored ppl dont cause problems, but i been seeing younger ones and thats makes me wander... I know what goes on in Pitt, New Kensington, and Indiana..Is this s*** gonna start around here? Lets hope for their sake it wont or i'm sure that "The Outlaws" and "Klan" will show them the way outta town lol But :b2t: Imma purchase a Cheap, handgun and get my permit hopefully soon. As far as when i'm in my Truck..well..i've always got an assortment of heavy objects wether it be a Chunk of steel Or a breaker bar or tire iron or all the above and then some! lol

Re: protection

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:37 am
by Lunytune
Yeah eliteguy50, the newer bikes are heavier. I was thinking particularly of the Elite/Spree vintage scooters we tout. But I'm even nervous in traffic on my 350 lb Helix. Big trucks on the highway scare bejiggers out of me. Cyclists also get nervous.

Protection can be good, but let's not get radical. Seems some of the conversation is not rational, but more macho. Be careful of brandishing and boasting. When I carry, I try not to let people be aware of it. It can be considered brandishing and also you remove the element of surprise. It's hard to hide my 45 in the Summer, so I'm looking for a smaller pocket pistol.

Re: protection

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:44 am
by aerorob
Yo turtle, I'm an avid track bicycle builder/rider over here in portland, did you say you ride fixed?

Re: protection

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:49 pm
by Bear45-70
Lunytune wrote:Yeah eliteguy50, the newer bikes are heavier. I was thinking particularly of the Elite/Spree vintage scooters we tout. But I'm even nervous in traffic on my 350 lb Helix. Big trucks on the highway scare bejiggers out of me. Cyclists also get nervous.

Protection can be good, but let's not get radical. Seems some of the conversation is not rational, but more macho. Be careful of brandishing and boasting. When I carry, I try not to let people be aware of it. It can be considered brandishing and also you remove the element of surprise. It's hard to hide my 45 in the Summer, so I'm looking for a smaller pocket pistol.
I have found the Robert Heinlein was right about guns and society.

"An armed society is a polite society."

This is proven buy the fact you almost never hear about shootings at gun stores, shooting ranges and other places the armed men and women gather.

I have solved the "hiding' the gun issue by Open Carrying my firearms.

Re: protection

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:34 am
by gdh
mustangwagz wrote:I keep a loaded gun in almost every room at all times. Havin a little boy now also makes the idea of having guns a good idea.
The irony of this made me laugh out loud. I don't know if this whole post was satire or legit, but thanks for the chuckle either way.
I've got a * of a mouth and a couple of fists. If that can't save me, then I deserve it.

Re: protection

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:02 pm
by wikked_spree57
a gang of idiots jumped out of a buick about 3 weeks ago and tried to rob me and take my bike.

till they seen my Smith and Wesson 9mm come out of the belt holster, they all jumped back in the car and barreled off.

They allow open carrying here in Saginaw, so if I ride at night I carry. I don't during the day, because it's too noticeable and attracts unwanted attention. i have never had a problem with anyone in this town during daylight hours. it's always at night when the crime heads come out. I wish I had the smith and wesson when my Aero got stolen last year, i would have flattened the back tire as soon as he left the parking lot with it.

Re: protection

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:29 pm
by oldrock
I have never considered carrying when I ride my scooter. If I felt uncomfortable enough that I needed to carry a handgun for riding my scooter around the neighborhood, I think I would be looking for a new neighborhood. Having said that, I am a firm believer in the right of law abiding citizens to have the right to bear arms.

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:04 am
by Woodencardboard
I'm not yet 21 so the option of carrying a pistol in mo isn't there for me. When I first got my spree I had a 4wheeler gun rack mounted on the back with my ak and a 75 round drum mag on it. Never had any problem with drunk people or idiots. Lol.

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:23 am
by oldrock
humm, my bs detector going off again. Must be a short in the wire. :roll:

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:27 am
by martynkim
Personally I carry TROJAN

Sorry I just had to! I've watched this for days and I had to get it out....

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:17 pm
by Bear45-70
Woodencardboard wrote:I'm not yet 21 so the option of carrying a pistol in mo isn't there for me. When I first got my spree I had a 4wheeler gun rack mounted on the back with my ak and a 75 round drum mag on it. Never had any problem with drunk people or idiots. Lol.
Now that is a sure way to get your sorry * stopped and have guns pointed at you by extremely nervous cops. :roll:

In answer to why carry a gun, there a a million different answers from, :Because a cop is to heavy and he would whine about it" to more serious things like "I don't need a piece of paper to give me permission to defend myself and my loved ones from harm.ÔÇØ

But my favorite and most accurate is;

ÔÇ£A gun is like a parachute. If you ever need one and donÔÇÖt have one, you aren't likely to ever need one again."

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:24 pm
by eliteguy50
martynkim wrote:Personally I carry TROJAN

Sorry I just had to! I've watched this for days and I had to get it out....
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
That was great, glad someone had the balls to type it.

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:28 pm
by gdh
Although I'm pretty liberal and generally interpret the 2nd as a collective right, I think someone should be able to carry a gun if they know how to use it and will agree to knowledge and practical testing every few years, like a driver's license.
Bear, I like that quote. But as far as analytical accuracy... Nobody ever blew their face off cleaning a parachute.

Re: protection

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:27 pm
by Bear45-70
gdh wrote:Although I'm pretty liberal and generally interpret the 2nd as a collective right, I think someone should be able to carry a gun if they know how to use it and will agree to knowledge and practical testing every few years, like a driver's license.
Bear, I like that quote. But as far as analytical accuracy... Nobody ever blew their face off cleaning a parachute.
Maybe not but a gun is just a tool and if used properly can have good results. I once knew a guy who was very careless about using his power tools. Slipped one too many times, cut his femoral artery with is skill saw and died in less than a minute. So explain how a gun is more dangerous. Oh and I am a disable veteran, please explain why I should have to take a course or a test to exercise an inalienable right. A drivers license is not a Constitutionally protected right, they can regulate the * out of it, but as to the Second Amendment, it is the only amendment that says "shall not be infringed". What part of that short phrase don't you understand?

As to the collective right claim. Why are all the other Amendments in the Bill of Rights individual rights, but the 2nd Amendment is a collective right, the only exception. There is no logic in that kind of thinking. If you want to know what the Founding Father meant by all the parts of the Constitution, read the Federalist Papers. There is no doubt about what their intent was. The revisionist attitude of the left is destroying this country. Either the Constitution stands as a whole or this country dies. There can be no half way.

"I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." Founding Father George Mason.

"The strongest reason for the PEOPLE to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in the government." Thomas Jefferson

I could go on with more quotes from the Founding Fathers. They hated the idea of big government and would be appalled by what our government has turned into.