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Re: Slow SA50P

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:32 pm
by bonesv
Congratulations! I know that feeling....Keep in touch and Happy Trails!

Re: Slow SA50P

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:51 pm
by Rip_City_Spree

Re: Slow SA50P

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:50 pm
by Trafficjamz
jimaddison wrote:UPDATE!!!

Hey guys, first off thanks for all the help and knowledge through this process. I, myself, successfully de-restricted 2 of the parts but when I couldn't get the nut off the variator, I knew it was time for professional help. I ordered a #78 main jet off of Ebay and dropped my torn apart bike off at my mechanic's. He took off the restrictor plate, put the new jet in, put it back together, and tuned it. Here's the restults:

Before my moped was maxing out on the top end 22 mph. When I bored out the hole in the exhaust, it just wasn't running as smooth as before.

After: My moped goes 35 on flat land, I have no idea how fast it goes down a hill because it's off of the spedometer. It starts right up and doesn't take any time to warm up. I can tell the fuel/air mixture is just right and it purrs like a dream. I am VERY happy with the results of this process. It ran me about $100 to do everything, but being able to keep up/go faster than my town's traffic is worth it! Cheers

We will see you back here in a few weeks when you realize you want to go even faster. :coolcruise:

Re: Slow SA50P

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:36 pm
by Rancher1
Glad it worked out for you OP. If you want to fine tune it, you can try up-jetting and see how the bike responds. Graphite now sells a cheap jet kit for you to experiment with:

Have fun and as Trafficjamz said, you might be back here in a little while. Variator and BBK questions in 3... 2...