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mechanical parts are now accounted for.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:32 pm
by DirtyE
Well, I've got all the parts I want for my build accounted for. Theyre either in my possession or paid for. I got my elite for $100 mind you, so a lot of things were updated. I bought it in pieces with cracked plastics and a seat that is shredded(even the foam is gouged). With Whiteys help I plan to blast and powder coat the rims and cases to match. The plastics have been plastic welded (fine epoxy), smoothed and painted. Theyre still missing some of the clips that are just broken off and missing. My seat still looks like junk.
ill first get the motor and wheels ready to go, then tackle the job of trying to reassemble the broken cosmetics as well as I can with what I have. The paint color I chose is too dark I think so im gonna go with a lighter color. Maybe ill get around to replacing some of the plastics and seat down the road, but after my final payment to g9 for the yasuni my funds for this scooter are gonna be exhausted.

Re: mechanical parts are now accounted for.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:41 pm
by spazz
I bought a seat cover from ebay, 25 colors to choose from, it fit really well...the stitching was only ok. it was cheap. for the gouge in the seat find a piece of foam and cut it to fit. :mrgreen:

Re: mechanical parts are now accounted for.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:38 pm
by DirtyE
I saw those. Im gonna chill for a bit and see if anything pops up