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Wondering about 1986 Spree w/ 70cc Upgrade

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 4:01 am
by March
So I'm brand new to Honda Spree stuff, but I want to figure out the whole shebang. I recently came across a listing for a 1986 model that the owner claims is in excellent condition and has been "upgraded" to 70cc. Says the cams need adjustment but it's otherwise in good order, according to him.

I'm likely going to go see it Monday, but he's asking for $1500 CAD, which is a pretty outrageous price if my research has anything to say. I'm thinking that, if it is in top condition, I could offer $700 CAD for it being upgraded? I'm not sure what goes into that kind of boost. Is it something relatively simple and he's just blowing smoke, or something legit worth paying for?

Re: Wondering about 1986 Spree w/ 70cc Upgrade

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 6:51 am
by eclark5483
Sprees are 2 stroke engines, they don't have a cam. Also, the BBK is a 48mm or 68cc. No such thing as a 70cc. If it's running bad, blame the guy who installed the BBK incorrectly (pretty common for people to screw it up). As for offering him $700.. HA!! I'd be hard pressed to offer someone $300. Sounds like that guy, 1. Doesn't know what he's talking about, and 2. thinks his Spree is gold. P.S. If you wanna know how to make a Spree go, just follow the link in my signature.