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Making mopeds COOL!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:59 pm
by SprEE*MP*
I'm 14 almost 15, i just got a honda spree about 3 weeks ago and all my friends think I'm a loser for ridding "such a stupid little thing". But i laugh because I'm the only one my age in my town with wheels (there is actually only me and another guy in my town with a scooter). They all think scooters are stupid, slow and uncool. Whats the big deal?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:02 pm
by mopedman
they are just looked down on, i have never got why, but who cares..... F*** them

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:32 pm
by nparks
I'm 21 and my friends laugh at the fact that I bought a scooter... But I'll be laughing back because I'll be able to get to and from where I want to go, have fun while doing so, and save gas. Suckerssss.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:42 pm
by po89mm
part of being mature is not giving a rats * what others think of you,
fu*k em.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:47 pm
by nparks
Oh dude and if you want mad props from the kids who own any honda cars throw a Type-R or VTECH sticker on it. Itll GiVE U MaD HP Yo! RESPEK

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:40 pm
by SprEE*MP*
Boy I'd be bad *.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:57 pm
by justinnielsen01
your getting around their not

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:31 pm
by Dac
yeah, im 16, its funny how all my friends talk trash about it but yet when it comes time to go somewhere they all complain they dont have a way of going.

its just that scooters and moped are looked down on by immature people. And i dont mean that as random name calling, i mean, they only people who really make fun of scooters dont know anything about them.
You tell any mature person that the thing gets like 90mpg. and they will stop for a second and think about it. you tell the same thing to a immature person and you will get something like "yeah, but dude, its *"

When it comes down to it, you have wheels, they dont.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:58 pm
by mopedman
yea man, put type R stickers on there and turbo badges and you will be able to beat any one

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:13 am
by honda_three
just keep ridin' man. if you have fun riding it, and people can see that, then it is cool. a year from now everyone will want one.

i think they generally get a bad rap from our culture of driving fast, aggressiveness, and the idea of "just get a motorcycle." people dont realize how fun mopeds are, and the cost and time benefits from getting a motorcycle.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:43 am
by burnt_toast
I was same age when I got my Spree but luckily didn't get too much shh for it by friends b/c of the reason's everyones mentioned, its a set of wheels that got me to and fro wherever I needed to go! Pre-car it was amazing having it to get around in. Plus my Spree was missing all the rear plastics and the MadMax look threw ppl off :lol:


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:53 am
by eight08boy
u get around they stuck at home and when it come time for run from cop nothing better then a moped u get away every time

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:46 am
by frickinflip
no worry while all the other f@gs is at home playing games and wishing they could be cruising around checkin' out chicks. i gotta say riding and checkin' out the hot spots is so much easier then in a car.

Re: Making mopeds COOL!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:43 pm
by GIJoeBob
SprEE*MP* wrote:I'm 14 almost 15, i just got a honda spree about 3 weeks ago and all my friends think I'm a loser for ridding "such a stupid little thing". But i laugh because I'm the only one my age in my town with wheels (there is actually only me and another guy in my town with a scooter). They all think scooters are stupid, slow and uncool. Whats the big deal?
It's called cognitive dissonance
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling or stress caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a fundamental cognitive drive to reduce this dissonance by modifying an existing belief, or rejecting one of the contradictory ideas.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:04 pm
by keithw
I'm in the 50 something crowd and I got over worrying what other people think a long time ago. Picked up my JDM Pal for free, spending a little money on it, and having a blast. If you're getting around and having fun while you're friends stay home that sounds like their problem. What are you supposed to do, buy a big * boat of a car and haul their butts around? Tell them to get a life, find a scoot and join you. Bet they will have a different tune then.
