Back tire seized! What could it be?

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Re: Back tire seized! What could it be?

Post by thekingof7 »

Pancake Sauce wrote:
thekingof7 wrote:
Pancake Sauce wrote:I also went with a gates xl 7240 belt. I am currently at 480 miles on that belt and it still drives. However, I have noticed an increase in slipping lately. At first I was zooming arount at 32 mph but now it struggles to hit 26 so that should give you an idea of the rate of degrading. Honestly, it's perfect in a pinch but I would recommend OEM if you can afford it. I do, however, have a massive hill in my city that I ride up several times a day and I'm sure it does a number on the gates belt.

I really think the problem is the fact that the gates xl 7240 is only 0.41 inches wide when new which is the service limit for the stock belt. It will likely begin to slip too much to use soon. I found this posting just because I was investigating the cheapest place to order an OEM belt.
Bit of a follow up :
Yes I have noticed the same issue recently with my gates 7240. At first I noticed an increase in general speed, probably due to my old stock belt being very close to trashed. But after a good 200+ miles, I have had large amounts of slippage and a general decrease in zip. I would almost recommend people stay away from these belts unless absolutely necessarily. I will be switching to OEM come next paycheck.
Just ordered 2 oem belts and a new rear tire as my current one is balding and 20 years old. My local dealer gave me a discount on shipping for getting 2. $25 each after ship is cheaper than any online price i could find. I dont think my town has any honda motorcycle dealer so i did the next best thing. I will update here with info when i get the oem belt on it. Should be between fri-wed. Anybody know the expected miles from an oem belt before servicing it?
Someone around here might have an estimate, but honestly I feel like that is a hihgly variated answer. Factors include rider wieght, the type of journey you have (hills,etc) and the general condition of your scooter.
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