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Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:01 pm
by bajack
No. It would explain, what?

If my drive plate was spun I wouldnt be running the bike. at all. how would it get started? I said it awhile ago.

It'd help when you quote someone and offer advice to scrib, quote when your taking their comment from so it's not took out of context.

I cant even figure out what your tlaking about where to scrib and what to be chekcing for. If your instructions included any information on what I'm supposed to be looking for cause I dont know what your talking about. you made no sense so why should I read anythign else you had to say.

No I didnt say I spun the kick ramp. I said one time I took the ramp plate off, and noticed some metal shavings where at the end of my crank arm. Around the splines. They looked fine, I looked them over. Couldn't see how it could keep it from running. So I went on with it. i cleaned it up with a wire brush. cleaned the junk in the threads and cleaned it off. figured maybe something at the end got chewed. I didnt know what it came from so i kept on riding with it. But dont know what happenned.

I do know everytime I ran the zx transmission, it was ran with a aluminum ncy kick plate. That thing is not got a problem

I do know the metal shavings came from the stock kick ramp plate. Nothing else would of ate it up, and left the kick ramp plate in fine condition. Like I said, I cant tell where the damage came from or what happenned.

I do know the stock ramp plate was only used with the stock transmission. At all times. The damage happenned before I got the Phongeer kick ramp plate.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:06 pm
by bajack
2 things about this other scooter driven pulley i noticed. but probably was ok. maybe. its nut i only checked with an impact wrench. came right off. no slamming a few hits. but its not very tight torqued anyway. I dont know. it looked fine. It's driven pulley, its bearing is going up and down. My driven pulleys bearing is solid. No up and down play. but it spins with a little bit of a sand sound every 1 1/2 turns or something, like 1 grain. So I thought it'd be good. Maybe 2 sounds. but thats ok. err.

I know I was running the stock ramp plate when the metal shavings came off. And ever since then its been harder to pull off the kick ramp plate everytime. It doesnt seem to much different than usual.

its just sort of tough. I have to bang it a little bit to get it started.

My video of it spinning it doesnt seem like it has any play in it. ah i dont know. it doesnst seem like it has any play in it. The drive pulley

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:44 pm
by bajack
huh what? and where did i write I had a spun drive plate, at recently? he's took the topic out of context, took me out of context, the exact reason, which i've already stated i didnt want to add extra information. so it can be taken out of context. then as you're doing right now, blaming me for having a problem wrong with my bike.

thats fine, we dont have to have this topic. mousewheels wanted to have an informational post. im trying to do that. im giving him constructive critisism. i told him he should be doing exactly like he was telling me.

its fine ill figure it out on my own and never post the results and if anyone ever runs across this prolbem you can take whatever youve read out of this and try dodging it yourself. on your forum.

i thought you said you was out of here anyway?

i dont need noone telling me im rambling, after i attempted to clear it up with them. or i dont need noone telling me its all voodoo. when im as confused myself what went on. i dont give you all the information unless youve ran into something like this before. you can't help me. i tried not to add extra information and mousewheels misread what i said or took what I've said out of context. hes repsponding to me looks like on my last recent post. and sayign i spun a kicker ramp. No i didnt say that on my post. I did state like 2 pages back i had an aluminum kicker, after I noticed damage came about that spun. but its aluminum and the splines looked fine. it looks like it got pushed out and spun. its a problem if the metal kicker cant grab the splines. but this happenned on the metal kicker ramp.

the splines where NOT touched. i noticed metal shavings and a plastic guide problem. i tested this a whole lot. trying to narrow down hte problem. This first plastic broke and metal shavings shouldnt of hurt the bike I thought. SO i tested it this way. this is my way of testing things graphite9. FI you dotn like it leave like you said you would.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:46 pm
by bajack
you guys couldnt be clear to me in the other topic. i just wanted to clearly see something wouldnt require modding. It's said it would need modded to work, by the Company that sales it. Then I'm told otherwise. well, i just dont want to use it, and go by what someone says then break it casue of following what they said. he never even responded to me on that anyway. I guess itd be me modding. I dont always trust my modding. If i felt like i needed a mod, then Id do a mod. but Im happy if i could just ride my bike.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:01 pm
by ped
hi, sometimes having a fresh pair of eyes look at your scooter may help.
I always try to get a second opinion when I get stuck on something.
good luck I hope you find and fix the problem.

P.s. very nice detail photos Mousewheels. :thumbwink:

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:22 am
by paulpauly7
if you dont trust your own modding what the heck are you doing even working on it .You obviously have no skills with small engines and conversations so give up and take it to the shop .

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:00 pm
by LMH
paulpauly7 wrote:if you dont trust your own modding what the heck are you doing even working on it .You obviously have no skills with small engines and conversations so give up and take it to the shop .
It's been said before but he just likes wasting everyone's time with a problem that he can only have and his discriptions of his malady are poor and contrite. On top of this he's refusing to listen to sound advice from a well versed senior member. Complete indication that there is no intent on finding the solution to his dilemma. :crazy:
Mouse must have children, as his patience is infinitesimal it would seem.
Bravo to mouse for still trying to help the helpless.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:19 pm
by bajack
i think ill find no trouble solving my problem

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:23 pm
by bajack
LoveMyHonda wrote:
paulpauly7 wrote:if you dont trust your own modding what the heck are you doing even working on it .You obviously have no skills with small engines and conversations so give up and take it to the shop .
It's been said before but he just likes wasting everyone's time with a problem that he can only have and his discriptions of his malady are poor and contrite. On top of this he's refusing to listen to sound advice from a well versed senior member. Complete indication that there is no intent on finding the solution to his dilemma. :crazy:
Mouse must have children, as his patience is infinitesimal it would seem.
Bravo to mouse for still trying to help the helpless.
this guy would be better off stickign to his own topics. and pauly seems to not be able to make a topic.

i made a big explanation to him awhile ago why this all mattered. and he just kept going along here. now ive had it. wished both of you 2 stay outta my topics. first lovemyhonda doenst seem to care about dimesions i wouldnt want to take his advice.
and paulypauly, i made the big long drawn out explanation for you earlier when you said you didnt understand explain it. and all you have done is prodded along calling names the whole way. now heres lovemyhonda going right along with it the whole way. and whatever the same to you too. youve not attempted to help. youve just been insulting. and heres lovemyhonda trampling along beside him

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:21 pm
by LMH
Here's the big problem with his latest reply, HE Didn't start the topic, he hijacked a thread, then mouse moved his tirade over to a new thread since it had no relevance to the op. Dumb people say the dumbest things always.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:20 am
by bajack
look i dont care what guys who can't look at a picture and understand what someones saying has to say about anything. and im tired of screwing with you. mousewheels tried to learn. wheelman tromped along, and tried to push for more testing. which i was not wanting to at that time. now i have, now that ive seen it needed done. if ive left anyone out.

the rest of you .. you know the ones, havent helped your not needed please, if the forum wont ban you stay out of my topics. i dont need your crap in my topic.

the original post was about how the belt wasnt working. how i had got the wrong belt. and i labelled my tests. i was pretty sure that was it cause i had fully tested it.

now. ive stated the last parts, of my tests. and i see people who havent even gave my topic one bit of thought are still going away at it. even though, I'm done.

Do i need to clarify for people? i ask myself. No, becuase I was thorough in my investigations. and my descriptions.

WHat common sense leads you to thinking broke this. Is what broke it. And i'll have to get an udder 1.

But for sake of people with nothing to do I'm not going to spit it out for everyone to know.

I'm through with this topic.

Oh i found my other belts. They where stashed away in boxes. But, my last tests where done with an old tested true gates belt. That has better specifications than any of my old belts. the original bando belt it had on it. the 2nd bando and the new brand new in the box gates belt. For my results and to actually run a scientific test with using the method, i ran an old belt and everythign else.

Im going to let common sense answer this 1.

The driven pulley when I got it, seemd like that. I can't rmeember if I've told you guys that or not. I didn't seem worse. I didn't think it was a part of the problem.

There lets let common sense answer this cause the guys attacking this topic don't seem too bright.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:22 am
by bajack
mousewheels, i answered pretty much, his question.
that's all that needs to be said.

I don't have a better camera but you should know what I'm talking about.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:26 am
by LMH
Sounds good, thanks for clarifying. Moving on.

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:57 am
by bajack
LoveMyHonda wrote:Sounds good, thanks for clarifying. Moving on.
Move back over to your topic
and the topic was gave to me by the mods. repeat what i said

Re: Drive belt breaking slider guides? (moved 94-01 belt top

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:22 am
by LMH
You're right and you'll figure it out.