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ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:50 pm
by Pismobear
I just put a ruckus vari in my 85 aero but I don't know which rollers to use. anyone?

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:43 pm
by paulpauly7
weigh the ones you have and go from there

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:52 pm
by Pismobear

I don't know weather to go up or down.

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:13 pm
by eliteguy50
Up the weight for better top end. Lower the weight for better low end.

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:40 am
by swimmingfree
there is no one anser you need this or that ..put the stock one that came with the bike and ride it then say it did this or that but i want it to do this this???? the input you need to give us it ... before it wood do 35mph in 3 blocks now it takes 4 blocks to get to 35mph but no faster!!!!! what grames rollers do you have now????

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:50 am
by Pismobear
I have stock rollers now, whatever they are for an 85 aero. And it gets up to 35 on a flat at about 100 yards? DoesnÔÇÖt seem bad. My rollers have flat spots on them so I am sure they need to be replaced. I am getting a 65cc kit from VT cycles. I would have gotten rollers if I knew I needed them but I hadnÔÇÖt taken it apart yet so I didnÔÇÖt know. Also being new at this I am not sure what I am doing. I would like do get all-around performance to use as a daily rider. I donÔÇÖt need a screamer but it would be nice to get off the line a bit quicker and still get a good top speed. I am hoping to get about 40 MPH after the kit. VT suggests that I might use 6 gram? weights. What do you think?
Thanks for the help guys.

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:00 pm
by swimmingfree
have you put on the ruckus vari yet??? as for what the rollers are take then to a friend with a gram scall :smile: if you no what im saying...

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:49 pm
by paulpauly7
if your haveing this much trouble with the rollers how the * are you going to install,run in and tune a big bore kit?

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:50 pm
by Pismobear
The ruckus vari IS in. I am using the stock rollers from the aero vari.

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:52 pm
by Pismobear

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:59 pm
by swimmingfree
you need to put the rollers on a grams scall we have no clue if the rollers are stock???
you need to get a scal to way the rollers...

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:39 pm
by Wheelman-111

If they're dirty-white and your Vario Excavation didn't suggest a scooter that's been tinkered with a lot, Stock was 10 grams. (1987 for sure, and I believe '85 and '86 too.)

Harbor Freight has lots of cool little scales that weigh to the 10th of a gram, popular with... uh, Pharmacists. The one I got several years ago is no longer on the Web page, but it was under $20. Good tool to have if you're tuning.

Don't rely on the weights printed on the package - they do vary, sometimes by a lot. If you have a set of 8.5s (Not a bad weight for a stock setup by the way...), and you find a couple at 8.8 and a couple at 8.3, you put them across from each other. The better to balance your Variator, my dear.

Good luck!

Re: ruckus vari in an 85 aero. Which rollers?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:55 pm
by Pismobear
Thanks Wheelman,
I can't get a scale as of now because I am to low on funds. I was sure someone would know what the stock weight was and with the wealth of experience on this board surly someone would know what to do to help a newbie. This is also why I am "begging" because I don't have the cash right now. Had I known I needed the weights I would have waited on the BBK obviously. I am going to try somewhere between the 6g to 8g range and see what happens. If I can't get help with parts I simply must wait as we all do sometimes. BTW the offer still stands as for the 87 aero parts go. Got parts, willing to trade.