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Having trouble with my spree running, please read

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:52 am
by jlphoto
Here's what's going on.

I have an 85 Spree, that I cannot get running well enough in the mornings to driver to work (2.5 miles one way). What happens is, it will start up, sound pretty decent, then after about 10 minutes of letting it warm up a little bit, I'll take it off the kick stand, set down on it to go, and it dies - restart, set down, maybe half dozen times, until it's hard to start. Then I have to give up because I'll end up late if I don't go.

Now, once so far has it made it to work, which was yesterday at lunch, and made it back home at 5pm after getting off- had no troubles, topped out around 29-30mph.

Now, what I'm guessing is it's temperature related possibly? mornings ~58* Lunchtime/afternoon~75-80ish

We've done the carb, the air cleaner, drained/refilled gas + oil, thought maybe it had something to do with wiring, because of the whole sitting down(it would be okay with the panels off in the back, then not with them on, but yesterday it ran fine with them on.)

Any thoughts?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:56 am
by -aL-
I would give the carbs a good cleaning. Make sure the spark plug is good to go. Check the operation of your bystarter and make any nessicary adjustments to the carburator.