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Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:40 pm
by Bear45-70
bc117 wrote:thats alot more than i thought it made is there a method to calculate the watts? like maybe 96/5 = 19.2 watts per 1000rpm so like +/-30watts at idle? 150 watts at 8000rpm?, anyone know of a smaller inverter, and while im asking stuff my fuel gauge is messed up i filled up the tank to the little bar the blocks the pump and the needle was under full then after maybe 10-15 miles i was reading less than half full, another 10-15miles i was reading empty, so i stop and look in the tank and im guessing im about 1/2 full, anyway to calibrate it i pulled the apparatus out of the tank and moved it with the key in and the guage seemed to read accurate to float position, so what bad float, bent arm, what?
Electricity don't work like that. It would be a curve anyway and calculating curves don't work well with math. Math likes straight lines.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:32 pm
by bc117
hmm well good to know, anyone know if its possible to over fill the aero's tank i think next time i fill up im gonna fill it as much as i can and see how far it gets me my tank is almost empty and i just checked my odometer and ive driven 47 miles since i filled it up and i think ive heard people are getting 60+ mpt

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:35 pm
by Bear45-70
bc117 wrote:hmm well good to know, anyone know if its possible to over fill the aero's tank i think next time i fill up im gonna fill it as much as i can and see how far it gets me my tank is almost empty and i just checked my odometer and ive driven 47 miles since i filled it up and i think ive heard people are getting 60+ mpt
Riding style has a * of a lot to do with MPG. Jack rabbit, full throttle starts and running at WOT instead of 3/4 throttle will adversely effect maximum MPG.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:10 pm
by Wheelman-111

If you went 47 miles on your "almost empty" tank, then you're pretty close to 60 MPG. The tank is only 0.8 gallons. Don't trust the fuel gauge, it's hopelessly pessimistic. Also don't underestimate things like warmup and throttle adjustment time, both of which consume fuel but don't add miles to the odometer. 50 miles to a tank is pretty good.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:40 pm
by bc117
so you guys think 47 miles is pretty good since i have a #102 main, ruckus vario,mild exhaust porting, and expansion pipe. i could probly go 3-5 miles with whats left in the tank, oh ya and how fast do you think my aero is with these mods all i know is that with this pipe i rev alot higher and can only guess im doing 45mph+

heres what i was up to today: took apart the amp and glued it into glove box, is way better than having it on the rack

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:09 pm
by Bear45-70
bc117 wrote:so you guys think 47 miles is pretty good since i have a #102 main, ruckus vario,mild exhaust porting, and expansion pipe. i could probly go 3-5 miles with whats left in the tank, oh ya and how fast do you think my aero is with these mods all i know is that with this pipe i rev alot higher and can only guess im doing 45mph+
Bigger jet = worse MPG

Higher RPM = worse MPG

Going faster = worst MPG

The Ruckus variator my help if you didn't run at WOT.

The pipe might help if it was a mid range torque pipe but a high rev pipe = worse MPG

Do you see the problem?

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:26 pm
by Wheelman-111

I don't see any problem! You have logged 47 miles on less than 0.8 gallons. That's at least 56.4 MPG. Why are you guessing, anyway? Just measure how much gasoline it takes to refill the tank to the level where you started and perform a little Maff.
Stock Metropolitan 4-strokes might get 100 MPG with their 40-ish top speeds and appliance-like civility. If you want mileage, buy one of them.
If you want socially-inappropriate Fun, settle for the 60+ MPG and call it good.
A GPS that records max speed will remove that guesswork, too. Be careful going WOT I'd you have stock 11:1 gears, though. Wind drag, not RPM, should dictate top speed. Otherwise you may cook your top end.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:12 am
by bc117
what scoots have the 11:1 gears, do i just swap out the gears or do i have to have them pressed in by a machine shop

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:53 am
by Wheelman-111

BC Axt-ed:
what scoots have the 11:1 gears,
Read up in Aftermarket Tooth Tally in Tech sections. Short answer: Yours.

And furthermore:
do i just swap out the gears or do i have to have them pressed in by a machine shop
The Variated AF05E (AKA SE/05) blocks use a little different gearshaft design from the '94-later AF16s. TrafficJamz has shown us a way to convert the 05 to the 16 system, thus opening up the possibility of using any of the many ratios available for the later engines. This too is covered extensively in several threads. Your lusty Aero should be able to drive 9:1s with decent acceleration and top speeds of over 50MPH if everything is healthy and tuned correctly.

A Rare Option: Malossi once made the 67-0458 2:1 Primaries that worked out to 7.83:1. Those are too tall for anything but a big-bore kit, and even then don't expect any wheelies, but top speeds can exceed 60. There are very few if any to be found, but once in a while on a dusty back shelf in a bankrupt European scooter shop... :)

The countershaft gear is the Press-Fit one on the 05 blocks. A heavy press is required. Fortunately they have those in most transmission shops and many Honda dealers. It's a 15-minute (~$30.) job to swap the countershaft gear, then you just assemble, should you be lucky enough to locate the 7.8s.

A Lucky Option: Should you be so fortunate, the 1987-Only SE50 used a 13-tooth clutch shaft for 10:1 ratio. Those may be ideal for your setup.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:36 pm
by hopkinsproshop

I am modifiying a AF05 engine and installing a Ruckus Variator. Looking for a simple swap on the gears in the rear. Wheelman- you mentioned an 87 Aero 13 tooth clutch shaft, if I could come up with one of those to give me a 10:1 ratio what else would be involved in swapping that in? Would I have to get the counter gear?? Anything? or just swap it in? Are there different models of that 87 Aero, like a SE50 or SE50P ??? Or just any 87 Aero 13 tooth clutch shaft? THANKS

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:12 pm
by martynkim
Bear45-70 wrote:
bc117 wrote:ok read the manual and found the vin# guess i have the worthless 1985 model .....................................
No one, especially me said the '85 was worthless. Besides that over carburating is the biggest tuning issue I've seen on this forum and I will bet you can do well over 45 mph with the stock intake and carb.

Do it all the time...

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:08 pm
by Wheelman-111

I don't know whether or not swapping the clutch shaft alone will work with an Aero countershaft gear.
You could look it up on any Honda dealer's or aftermarket seller's website parts list using 1987 Aero ans SE50 Elite fiche.

Typically Honda-san lists any pressed-on assembly as a single part, so the "countershaft" will be listed singly.
It is good practice to replace used gears in pairs. Anyway, should you find the clutch shaft, it's likely the seller will have all of it.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:39 pm
by bc117
im interested in porting my stock cylinder further, so far i have only opened up the exhaust port following the wikispreedia article on porting the spree cylinder, but i want to open up the boost ports and the intake manifold/port in the case too. i also read an article about express/hobbits/ and those type of peds but there were no pictures and it mentioned but did not specify the difference between porting for lowend and topend, if i could i would like to port for lowend/mid range.

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:00 pm
by bc117
any one know the cheapest bbk for the aero i may do that instead of further porting or i may try both idk vt cycles i think is $90 and just googling i found one for like 69 pounds UK

Re: 1985 aero 50 mods

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:05 pm
by hopkinsproshop
I purchased a kit via ebay for $75.00. It was an RIK kit. It was $10.00 to ship it for a total of 85. It was a good kit, worked great. You will have to have your head opened up, but that is easy for a machine shop to do.