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Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:43 am
by Videonut
Ya. be very carefull about who you buy from on this site and make sure that its not some Goe Shmoe off the street. I guess i sould have been a little more carefull. Now all i get is......."oh i have to find a box to put the parts in" " im sending it tomorrow" two months later...... or "i got kicked out of my house" ..... sigh...... oh well it sometimes doesnt pay to be nice either...........

ok im done ranting

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:18 pm
by bradthreee
I often wondered why there isnt some type of feedback rating system like on other forums. I think it would help with this sort of thing.

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:38 am
by noiseguy
Haven't seen that type of rating system on phpBB3 boards. Got an example?

One reason I haven't tried to get a buyer/seller rating system in place is that I never intended this board to become a portal for parts selling. It was added more as a nice-to-have. I figured if people wanted ratings, they could go to Ebay and work with that system.

That said, if you use Paypal and follow the sellers's protection policies, it looks like both the buyer and seller are pretty well protected from funny transactions. Anyone had issues with transactions that involved Paypal and couldn't be resolved throught their dispute management sysetem?

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:26 pm
by bradthreee

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:59 pm
by Videonut
hmmmm well i dont think that we need a rating but maybe we could put up a list of people to be aware of......... then again maybe not.....


Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:48 am
by Eft37
I was aware of who you meant on reading the 1st post in this thread....I feel for you.

We got bit at work via a PayPal dispute with an international buyer, they threw up a claim, we mailed out anyways with a "proof of mailing" form, but apparently that was not enough for PayPal, so -$25 & -$25 record.

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:05 am
by noiseguy
Interesting. And since Paypal acts as a bank, muddying its own internal funds with CC and bank transaction, you can't go back to the CC / bank and reverse charges with them against Paypal, which would be the alternate route. That's troubling, esp. with them taking a 3% charge on transactions that aren't necessarily CC funded.

I smell a class-action lawsuit coming for them in a few years. Can you imagine the contingency fees on that monster? Even if just 0.5% of the transactions were "questionable" in this manner, that's $300M in total volume. Sounds like a cool $100M in fees.

Paypal in 2008 accounted for 15% of the total volume of US e-commerce, and 9% globally. I don't know how they keep track of the total volume (which would be insanely difficult to track), but even for tracked volume that a heck of a lot of market share.

In the US, with fraudulent sellers, you can always file a police report. Since Paypal keeps verified addresses, you'll be able to tell the cops exactly where to head and who to look for. Taking money for goods not shipped between states is interstate fraud; that involves the Feds, and they don't take that stuff lightly. One of my friends's brother got ripped off on a Ebay transaction of a couple hundred bucks and went this route. The seller was apparently kind of shocked at what the ramifications his actions were. Don't know that he recovered his funds but he sent the message and probably prevented future rip-offs.

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:11 am
by noiseguy
Oh, I looked at Totalruckus's website on their buyer rating. No way I'm doing that here; too hard to navigate, too messy, too much upkeep.

Here's my solution:

> If you have a good interaction with a seller, post it as a response under the seller's ad. That way everyone knows.

> If you get ripped off, post it here in a post in the General section. If the buyer is sensible he'll start working it out. If he doesn't respond or responds like a *, we have record here.

> Before you buy something, do a search for posts with the seller's handle in it. If you don't like what you're reading, don't buy from them.

> Obviously, if the seller is new to the board, we won't have any idea whether it's a scammer or not, but that's a problem no matter how you cut it.

I like this. I'm putting this into the buyer beware posts.

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:09 pm
by SpyderMike
another good way to do it is like pbnation used to do it

where there is a sub-forum for feedback and you must have your user name in the thread title
then when your looking for someones feedback you can just search thread titles for that user name
but most times people would just post a link to their feedback in their signature, or you could ask the seller for a link to sellers feedback

Re: Caution when buying from some on this site....

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:28 am
by wikked_spree57
Wether it's posted or not I know this thread is directed at me. videonut I was being dead honest when I apologized for taking so long. I got ripped off by my own father, ripped off by a guy on eBay, and kicked out of my paren't house all in the same week and it made things real rough all at once. I had a problem with MichiganEd awhile back over a kick stand too.

I'm really trying to keep my name clean here, because I don't know what it takes to do so but I'd like to become a moderator. I visit this forum quite a bit (normally in wee hours, between 12 and 9 AM) and it seems when I try to help someone out, someone else screws me over. I've dealt with things like this my entire life, my room mate tried to crash my deal on getting my Z1000 LTD today, but he didn't realize when he began to talk his smack I already had the bike in the driveway and the title in my back pocket. Besides, the neighbor told him to get lost.

I'm in a steady place at the moment and I have one * of a stockpile of parts that I have half ownership of, and it's MY choice to offer these scooter and ATV/ATC/dirt bike parts to everyone here for 25% off. If I continue to be called out like this, I will not be selling parts here anymore to anyone and if there's something you want you'll have to bid on eBay.

Again, Videonut I apologize your parts took so long, and if I was in your shoes I would have flown across the country and kicked my * after 2 weeks. I can totally understand where you come from man. But rest assured if you or someone else needs anything, that will NOT happen again... Nothing will be posted here unless I know for sure it's in a box already and is ready to ship. And it will be out on Monday, Wednesday or Friday(the only 3 days a week I usually ship, gas is expensive).

So I put this here so everyone else sees as well that I feel bad I took so long and gave all the excuses, but they were all true. I had the WORST time finding a box that was just the right size, you have no idea how many stinky dumpsters I went into to find that!

anyways I'm done with this for now. Can we please bury the hatchet on this one? :nervous: