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Magoo: Rider of Motos

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:34 am
by motormike
It's a horrible picture taken of a lousy copy of a newspaper article.
But he was my bud, a biker's best friend. This is my only reminder of him.
I wanted to share his story.
Magoo was born blind. His siblings tormented him and ate all the food, so he moved away.
2 houses down, on a country road, he took up housekeeping under the deck of his masters sister.
Comfy and being fed, he struggled through his daily routine of making rounds through a small housing subdivision, seeking hand-outs from the neighbors and worrying the occasional cat.
Situations arose and i was asked to adopt Magoo.
I had already taken a strong liking to this inspirational little guy and immediately offered to him the comforts of an enclosed back porch with the coziness of his very own 100 watt bulb.
He was pleased with the arrangement, and chose to accept the invitation to share my domain.
The scooter riding was all his idea. Since the milkcrate was standard equipment, I soon found myself yielding to his eager curiosity and actions. He would become highly interested in the scooter as soon as it started.
I secured a d-ring for his safety, and he was easily the best passenger I've ever had behind me.
His nose always found it's way under my arm and full-on into the headwind.
After all, smell was more important to him with the loss of sight limiting his safety.
I came to a conclusion that this dog could count. This sounds silly at first, and I thought so too, but after a few months of watching him run up the back stairs and step into the door with grace and fluidity of a Broadway dancer, I was certain that he knew exactly how many steps there were.
Magoo has been sadly missed for 3 years now, victim of a bigger, meaner dog.
His spirit lives on though, with every spark of every moto I ride.
I miss him like a brother now, and want you all to see his happy face.
A better friend I'll never have... :urban:

Re: Magoo: Rider of Motos

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:26 pm
by devenex
Glad to hear the story, sorry to hear how it ended. Sounds like he was a great dog, never thought about dogs counting before either.

My chihuahuas would never be able to ride in a basket. The first would die from a heart attack and the second is a total spaz who would jump out at the first cat/squirrel/other dog/shiny object we passed.

Re: Magoo: Rider of Motos

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:49 pm
by Wheelman-111

Touching. Thanks for sharing MM.

Re: Magoo: Rider of Motos

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:03 am
by bradthreee
Great story of a mans best friend.