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Looking for a cheap trasher

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:03 pm
by Dac
Well, my Sundiro trasher moped finely died. So im looking for a new toy that me and my friends can ride.

i got like $50-100 im looking to spend on it.

4wheeler/3wheeler/Moped/dirt bike/minibike/Just about anything fun.

I really don't care what it looks like.
Speed, take off, i really don't care. I mean, the faster/better it runs the more i will pay.But again. I'm looking for a trasher my friends and i can ride.
As of right now, i really cant drive to far to pick it up. I'm located 49119 (south west Michigan)

So if you have anything, and if you are close to me Let me know what you got.